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Marshall Islands Jurisdiction – Free Redomiciliation

Updated: Jun 17, 2021

Law As the political and regulatory environments are evolving faster than ever, the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Corporate Registry recognizes that this may present practical challenges to doing business. Some jurisdictions have become impractical to use and have less than satisfactory ratings with international regulatory bodies. In recognition of these challenges, the RMI is currently offering free* redomiciliation.

Choosing the RMI for redomiciliation (domestication) allows business entities to retain any existing assets and liabilities while transferring to a jurisdiction that is stable and rated favorably with international regulatory bodies. As of 6 April 2020, the RMI jurisdiction has been found compliant with the evaluations made by the OECD, FATF, EU and FRANCE.

The RMI is a modern, stable corporate jurisdiction that provides the flexibility and efficient service that is required by corporate users. All non-resident domestic business entities registered in the RMI are governed by the RMI Associations Law. The RMI Associations Law is primarily modeled after the corporate laws of the United States state of Delaware.

With 36 business entities listed on either the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASQAD), The RMI has become the jurisdiction of choice for many multinational entities.

Should you have the need to redomicile your entity to the RMI, please contact us to help you take advantage of this offer.


V.I. Services & Solutions Limited

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